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Monday, 29 October 2012

Mid Week Wedding

Out on a mid week wedding shoot tomorrow.

It is a new venue to Penumbra at the Oldwalls Holiday complex on the North Gower.

From what I've seen it looks a very picturesque venue so lets hope the weather plays along for some outside shots in the Autumnal light and colours.

New Idea

Attended a Christening at the local church on Saturday and made headway on an idea I have had for a while.

Had a chat with the vicar about hiring the Church for a practical wedding photography tutorial session.
Looks like it met with favour as he is even willing to do a 15 minute stint on the vicars perspective to give the course members an insight from his side of the fence.

So watch this space for further developments.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Machynys Golf and Spa

Picked up a useful contact at Machynys they wanted some images of their food while I was there on another job:

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Las Vegas Photographic Society

Yep you read it correctly, LVPS, just joined a few days ago and hoping to arrange a meet up with some of the members there when I visit on my holiday.

Also intend to get stuck into a series of photo shoots at different locations whilst there, starting with Rhyolite, Titus Canyon, Mono Lake, Bodie, Death Valley and of course to pay homage to the Great Man himself Ansel Adams by visiting Yosemite National Park.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

As promised some images

Well it was a bit longer than five minutes but here are a few images from the North Wales Trip last April: